Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases and Strokes-- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

11 Tips to Lowering Cholesterol
By Gabriella Roth

High levels of 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) in your bloodstream are a major cause of heart disease.

By lowering the LDL in your blood you automatically lower the total level of cholesterol (LDL as well as the 'good' HDL) in your body, which helps prevent heart disease.

You can use drug treatment or a more healthy dietary method to lower your cholesterol. A diet low in saturated fats and high in fiber could easily help in lowering cholesterol levels.

Below is a list of 10 tips to help you change your diet to healthier eating habits. It's a list of 'does' and 'don'ts' of the kind of foods you should be eating. It's not a 'diet' per se, but rather a lifestyle change of the types of food you should eat all the time. Have your cholesterol level checked, then try these tips for 30 days, and check again to see the change. A little will-power and determination should get your through easily enough.

1. Reduce the amount of red meat with white meat and fish; they have low fat levels.

2. Replace all the saturated fats with low fat foods, such as skim milk, low cholesterol spreads, light cheese, and baked chips or pretzels.

3. Increase the amount of fiber. Foods high in fiber, like whole grain cereals and breads, fruits and vegetables, will remove the dietary fats and help lower cholesterol. A healthy diet means healthy digestion.

4. Grill or broil and steam your foods. Do not fry. These methods prevent the loss of vitamins, especially in vegetables.

5. You will be sorely tested when you go out to eat. But, this will inevitably happen so, replace the fries with salad, order dressings, sauces and gravies on the side, and use them sparingly. Make every effort to eat at restaurants that serve low cholesterol dishes. It can be a challenge, but worth it in the long run.

6. Move, move, move! Every day! Walk, jog, bike, swim, play basketball, tennis, golf, but you must move! Exercising is not a tedious task if you do what you enjoy.

7. Get rid of the vegetable and tropical oils in your cupboard. Replace them with extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, and even peanut oil.

8. Read the labels on the products you buy. If the words hydrogenated or corn syrup appear in the first five ingredients, don't buy it. Your body can't process these chemicals and as a result causes fat to be stored.

9. A daily glass of red wine has been shown to help lower cholesterol.

10. Cholesterol lowering medication prescribed by a physician can be highly effective if you follow all the directions.

11. The best for last. While you are lowering your cholesterol levels you are automatically losing weight! What a great benefit!

Remember a healthy diet is greatly beneficial to whole body.

Get more information about cholesterol right here

This article is copyright and Gabriella Roth. You may reprint this article. You must include the resource box and you may not change any of the links.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to "diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Gabriella Roth is the creator and owner of PlusPointHealth, a site specializing in living a healthy lifestyle. She has written numerous books covering the complicated issues of various health problems. Written in plain, simple English her books are easy to read and understand. She publishes a weekly newsletter with more health topics. Discover the facts you should know about your health and open the gateway to your healthy lifestyle at